# Search Pull Requests

# Overview

The Search Pull Requests functionality in the AskTheCode plugin allows users to query Github repository pull requests using natural language. This feature enhances the user's ability to find relevant pull requests quickly and efficiently.

# Why It's Useful

  • Natural Language Queries: Enables users to search for pull requests using conversational language, making the process intuitive and user-friendly.

  • Focused Results: Retrieves pull requests that are closely related to the user's query, saving time in sifting through unrelated pull requests.

  • Pull Request Details: Delve deeper into the pull request thread using the Github Pull Requests feature.

# Sample

Full Sample URL: AskTheCode GPT Sample

In this example, the user queries for all pull requests related to the Milvus vector store integration in the Langchain repository. After retrieving the pull requests search results, user can delve deeper into the specific pull request he is interested in.

# Conclusion

The Search Pull Requests feature of AskTheCode significantly streamlines the process of querying Github pull requests. It leverages natural language processing to provide a more intuitive and efficient user experience, making it easier to engage with Github discussions directly from ChatGPT.