# List Pull Requests

# Overview

The List Pull Requests feature allows users to view all open pull requests within a specific GitHub repository directly from the AskTheCode GPT. This functionality provides an overview of the repository's pull request activity, aiding in code review processes and project management.

# Why It's Useful

  • Pull Request Overview: Quickly obtain a list of all open pull requests, offering insight into ongoing changes and code reviews.
  • Facilitates Code Review: Streamlines the process of identifying pull requests that need attention, simplifying the workflow for contributors and reviewers.
  • Pull Request Analysis: Provides a great entrypoint for further Pull Requests Overview, Pull Requests Comments and Pull Requests Changes features.

# How to Use

  1. Provide the Repository URL: Begin by providing the GitHub repository URL to the AskTheCode GPT.
  2. Request Pull Request List: Request a list of all open pull requests in the repository using a simple command like "Please list all pull requests in [repository URL]."

# Sample

Please list pull requests in https://github.com/huggingface/pytorch-image-models
Respond with the pull request name and URL

# Conclusion

The List Pull Requests feature is an essential tool for effective GitHub repository management, providing a straightforward way to view and engage with open pull requests. It enhances user interaction with the project by facilitating quick access to and discussions about pending changes.