# Pull Requests Comments

# Overview

The Pull Request Comments feature focuses on analyzing and managing conversations in pull requests, particularly useful for PRs with extensive discussions that exceed the capability of the standard Pull Request Overview feature due to response size limitations.

# Why It's Useful

  • Detailed Conversation Analysis: Provides an in-depth view of the conversations within pull requests, enabling better understanding and management of discussions.
  • Paging Capability: Supports paging through conversations, which is essential for large pull requests with lengthy discussions.

# How to Use

  1. Provide the Pull Request URL: Start by providing the GitHub pull request URL to the AskTheCode GPT.
  2. Request Pull Request Comments: Specify your interest in analyzing the comments, particularly for large PRs.
  3. Navigate Through Conversations: Use the paging functionality to move through extensive conversations efficiently.

# Sample

Please iterate over the conversation and provide me a summary of each comment and the discussion under it.

# Conclusion

The Pull Request Comments feature is designed to handle extensive conversations in pull requests efficiently, making it easier to analyze and summarize those discussions.